
Presentation and discussion of the study “Digital Health and Real World Data in Greece: Transforming the Health Ecosystem and the Impact on the Economy” at the Delphi Economic Forum 2022

At this year’s Delphi International Economic Forum the study: “Digital health and Real World Data in Greece: Transformation in the health ecosystem and the impact on the economy” was presented and discussed.

The purpose of the study is to describe the environment related to digital health and real world data (RWD-RWE) in Greece and attempt to assess the economic impact of their utilization in the healthcare system as well as the national economy. The study was supported by MSD Greece and was prepared by FEIR and the Laboratory of Industrial and Energy Economics of NTUA (LIEE), under the scientific responsibility and coordination of A. Tsakanikas, Director of LIEE.

The project team consisted of A. Athanasiadis (Research Officer, FEIR Department of Health Economic), P. Dimas and D. Stamopoulos (Doctoral Candidates and Researchers at LIEE-NTUA).

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