European Training For Energy Community Managers (EU-NETS)
EU-NETS addresses the emerging topic of the Energy Communities, with the objective to develop a new training path for managers and professionals that will work to create, develop and manage these new entities, that will play an important role in the energy and climate transition. In order to make the transition to a sustainable economy and to establish a real climate policy, it is crucial to change the energy system into a fully sustainable one. This transition is also a great opportunity to achieve the goal of energy democracy. For example sun and wind, on the contrary of fossil fuels, are available all over the world and this allows for decentralized and connected systems, based on cooperation. Citizens cooperatives and local authorities can play a crucial role here, developing public-civil partnerships.
EU Directives 2018/2001 and 2019/944 introduce the concept of Energy Community. Energy Community is a community of users (private, public, or mixed) located in a specific area, in which end users (citizens, businesses, public administration, etc.), market players (utilities, etc.), designers, planners and politicians actively cooperate to develop high levels of “smart” energy supply, favoring the optimization of the use of renewable sources and technological innovation in distributed generation and enabling the application efficiency measures, in order to obtain benefits on economy, sustainability and energy security.
The creation and the management of these communities will require the development of new professional figures that in the coming years will be responsible for leading the design, development, implementation and management of energy programs for the entire community and leading the Community’s goal of reducing community-wide greenhouse gas emissions.
The objective of EU-NETS project is to outline the characteristics and qualifications necessary to guarantee to the new professional profile the abilities, the skills and the competences to implement its duties and the optimal management of energy communities according to the EQF scheme.
The EU-NETS project will be implemented in Italy, Greece and Spain, three Countries which present a similar scenario in terms of Energy Communities potential development and which has the same needs to support the creation of a professional figure able to manage this new entity.

Project Info
Start: 01 February 2022
End: 01 February 2025
Funded under: EU Erasmus+
Coordination: ASSISTAL