Στοιχεία Έργου

Tools for sustainability. Development and Application of an Integrated Framework (SusTools)

Using the best elements of life cycle analysis, sustainability indicators, impact pathway analysis, risk analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and multi-criteria analysis (MCA), an integrated approach will be developed that can be applied in a coherent manner to a wide range of policy issues. This approach will be tested with 4 case studies, to provide a quantitative assessment of the environmental and socio-economic consequences of possible policies in the EU:

  • Reducing air quality impacts of transport,
  • Reducing the impacts of nitrate fertilizer,
  • Examining the options for treating waste that remains after source reduction and recycling, and
  • Reducing the impacts of selected hazardous chemicals.

The weighting of the criteria of the MCA will be determined by the stakeholder involvement and dissemination phrase of the project.

For more information: cordis.europa.eu

Στοιχεία Έργου

Έναρξη: 01 Μαρτίου 2003
Λήξη: 31 Οκτωβρίου 2004

Funded under: FP5-EESD

co-ordinator: Association Pour La Recherche et Le Developpement des Methodes et Processus Industriels


  • Charles University Prague (Czech Republic)
  • Institut Vivendi Environnement (France)
  • Institute of Control and System Research (Bulgaria)
  • Mike Holland (UK)
  • National Technical University of Athens (Greece)
  • University of Bath (UK)
  • Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek NV (Belgium)