Unveiling Creativity for Innovation in Europe – Cre8tv.eu
Cre8tv.eu is a research project running from February 2013 to January 2016 and supported by a grant of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities).
The Cre8tv.eu is a multi-partner and multi-disciplinary project which will unveil the significance of creativity and cultural and creative industries in Europe (and beyond).
The research involves 11 partners which are amongst Europe’s leading centres for research (e.g. universities and research institutes) on the economics and management of creativity, design and innovation, many of which also have strong links to research in the arts and humanities.
Cre8tv.eu project is co-ordinated by Professor Bruce Tether from Manchester Institute of Innovation Research based within the Manchester Business School or The University of Manchester.
Creativity is a fundamental transformative mechanism of the European economy. To study this mechanism, this project brings together 11 of Europe’s leading innovation research centres, and is structured around six themes: 1. Mapping and measuring the creative-cultural industries and their impacts; 2. Understanding and modelling creativity and design; 3. Entrepreneurship and industrial dynamics in the creative-cultural industries; 4. Digital ecosystems, user participation and the blurring of production and consumption; 5. Intellectual property, IP rights and innovation in creative-cultural activities, and, 6. Policy issues and recommendations. Together, and through nearly 25 person years of research, we will make substantial progress in methodologies and provide fresh and integrated approaches in the study of creativity and innovation, as well as in the dynamics of these industries. This will result in new data sets, policy briefs and tools, as well as academic articles and books. Above all, the project will substantially enhance the state of knowledge and understanding of the nature and characteristics of creativity and innovation, the cultural-creative industries, and their role in shaping the future European economy and society. It will also provide important and reliable evidence regarding the emergence, promotion and stimulation of creativity in relation to innovation in Europe, and how creativity-based entrepreneurship contributes to economic growth and wellbeing. The project will also be a highly valuable and original source of knowledge and understanding for the research, business and policymaking communities at both the EU and national / regional levels. The project will also help build a European research community focused on creativity and innovation, and will contribute to building research capacity by providing opportunities for early career researchers. It will also seek to advance the role of women researchers and research managers in Europe.
For more information: cordis.europa.eu

Στοιχεία Έργου
Έναρξη: 01 Φεβρουάριος 2013
Λήξη: 31 Ιανουάριος 2016
Funded under: FP7-SSH
website: www.cre8tv.eu
co-ordination: Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (UK)
- The University of Manchester (UK)
- Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy)
- University of Brighton (UK)
- Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
- Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary)
- Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands)
- National Technical University of (Athens Greece)
- Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- Technical University of Munich (Germany)
- University of Gothenburg (Sweden
- ZEW – Centre for European Economic Research (Germany)