The Emergence of New Industrial Activities: Fusing Services and Manufacture (TENIA)
The project is a research project running from September 2001 to February 2004 and supported by a grant of the 5th Framework Programme of the European Commission (Human Potential). It is a multi-partner and multi-disciplinary project.
The research involves 4 partners which are amongst Europe’s leading centres for research (e.g. universities and research institutes) on the subject.
The project is co-ordinated by Professor Yannis Caloghirou of the National Technical university of Athens, Greece.
This project is about structural change in European industry resulting from rapid innovation at the interface of knowledge-based services and technology-intensive manufacturing. It focuses on three hybrid sectors in the areas of electronic commerce, business data communication and multimedia in order to appraise the factors underlying their emergence and early evolution. This research purports to add value to the current state-of-practice by:
- using an imaginative approach to empirically analyse structural change at strategic corners of European industry,
- examining emerging hybrid sectors across several countries,
- assembling indicators to build “early warning systems” for emerging hybrid sectors across several countries,
- providing valuable policy advise on how to create the socio-economic conditions to nurture such activities.
For more information:
Στοιχεία Έργου
Έναρξη: 01 Σεπτεμβρίου 2001
Λήξη: 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2004
co-ordination: National Technical University of Athens (Greece)
- Aalborg University (Denmark)
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (Germany)
- University of Sussex (UK)
- Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” (Italy)