Towards a White Paper for RES and RUE Strategy and Action Plan for the Republic of Cyprus (WP – CYPRUS)
The project is developed in 9 phases, each one comprising a number of interrelated tasks. These phases can be summarised in 3 Groups as follows:
- Group A includes Phases 1 to 4, which refer to the background work needed to establish the methodological framework of the project and to analyse the specific conditions in Cyprus by focusing on the prospects and barriers for the large-scale deployment of RES and RUE.
- Group B includes Phases 5 to 7, which aim at establishing alternative scenarios for the combined large-scale penetration of RES and RUE in Cyprus.The optimal scenario will be identified from the comparative evaluation of these alternative options by means of Cost-Benefit Analysis and Multi-Criteria Analysis and will form the basis for establishing a strategy and action plan in compliance with EU policies and international commitments.
- Group C includes phases 8 and 9, which extend through the whole project and aim at the dissemination of results and the co-ordination of actions in order to successfully accomplish the objectives of this project.
The expected results are mainly related with the application region and include the project deliverables, as well as less tangible benefits regarding the motivation of the island’s community towards the large-scale implementation of RES and RUE. Moreover, the project is expected to directly contribute to the production and transfer of knowledge and tools that will be suitably disseminated in other EU and accession countries. On a first rough approximation for the year 2010, very conservative estimations calculate a 20% saving of conventional fuels as a result of RES and RUE integration, implying savings for that year of over 600 ktoe. This figure takes into account the actual trends pointing on a total consumption of about 3000 ktoe (based on the recorded 2000 ktoe of oil consumption in 2000). The avoided fuel cost is calculated to exceed 150 M EUROS. In addition, the reduction of CO2 emissions and atmospheric pollutants can also be translated in avoided external costs based on approximate values assigned to these emissions according to the methodology of the ExternE project.
For more information:
Στοιχεία Έργου
Έναρξη: 01 Σεπτεμβρίου 2002
Λήξη: 31 Αυγούστου 2004
Funded under: ENG-ALTENER 2
co-ordination: National Technical University of Athens
- EREC (Belgium)
- Insula-IC (Spain)